The chapter board (its leadership team), is responsible for managing all aspects of chapter activity: meetings, finances, communications, and events. While the structure varies from chapter to chapter, every chapter is required to have a Chapter Director, a Treasurer, and a third elected board member. Additional board positions may be added at the discretion of the chapter board and according to local needs.
Source: / Chapters / Chapter Resources / 2016 Revised Chapter Manual. Refer to this site for a complete list of suggested board roles and their descriptions.
Rapid City Chapter Officers (September 23, 2023)
Chantry Nelson ( 402.429.4924
Bonnie Josten ( 605.390.0378
Co-Programming Coordinator
Suzanne Reeve ( 605.219.0376
Bonnie Josten ( 605.390.0378
Secretary / Treasurer
Carman Timmerman ( 605.391.4053
Prayer Coordinator
Terry Schroeder ( 605.430.4559
Hospitality Coordinator
Maria Snow ( 605.545.0540
Newsletter Editor
Chantry Nelson ( 402.429.4924
Eric Helgeson (
Facebook Coordinator
Eric Helgeson (
Membership Coordinator
Publicity Coordinator
Jeanine Gerlach ( 605.430.0029
Member at Large
Pat McDowell ( 605.787.0638
Jacqueline Schnittgrund ( 605.390.7748
Ed & Jeanie Fischer ( 605.673.2958
What is an NPM Chapter?
An NPM chapter is a division of the National Association of Pastoral Musicians, functioning within its diocese while retaining a strong, dependent relationship with the national organization. Chapters may be formed in each diocese in the United States in accordance with the bylaws of the association. When chapters become too large, or it is geographically difficult to maintain adequate functionality, branches of that chapter may be formed. Each branch has its own leadership and its own meetings but must meet at least once annually, in a combined gathering with the parent chapter. Branch chapters are strictly geographical—based on region/location, and not on language group or other possible distinctions. The Branch Chapter Director is an ex-officio member of the Parent Board.
Chapters exist to:
- deepen the spiritual life of their membership;
- provide an educational forum on issues affecting musical and liturgical practice in the Church;
- provide skill development;
- organize social gatherings;
- foster mutual support;
- maintain the connection with the NPM National Office staff.
Each chapter maintains a close relationship with its host diocese. NPM chapters are not responsible for setting diocesan policy but are a tool for supporting and implementing diocesan policies in a way that is mutually agreeable. Where liturgical and music education programs already exist, the NPM chapter does not compete but rather complements and supports these programs among its members. The NPM chapter should establish and maintain a good working relationship with the existing diocesan liturgy and music structure. The diocesan director of liturgy and/or music should be invited and encouraged to become an ex officio member of the chapter board.
For more Chapter resources, refer to